Meet The Queens.

Meet Queen Teneshia,

Teneshia Shavone Jennings is a god-fearing, driven, goal oriented, strong, and a BIG dreamer who loves God.  From a little girl, I have always dreamed BIG and would often daydream of my purpose in life. I now know that my purpose is to be an example for woman all over the world by letting them know you are worthy and beautiful because God says we are!!!

Fashion was introduced to me from a little girl from having strong and amazing role models around me such as my mother and many other intelligent, bright, and God fearing women in my family. The foundation of how a lady should carry herself was always poured into me and I had many examples to show me how this was to be done. 

When I think of fashion, I think of Royalty and the Word Queen comes to mind. This is my Passion and my purpose in life to expire woman across the World of the inner beauty that’s in them. Our desire for this Boutique is for the world to see God through us and for him to get ALL the Glory.

Fashion is the steppingstone for greater things to come but we hope and pray that this boutique encourages women to be bold beautiful and walk in their royalty within their purpose for God. This one is for you Mama! SLAY QUEEN SLAY!!!!

Faith. Fashion. Inspiration.

Meet Queen Candace

I believe that when the creator of the UNIVERSE Jesus Christ created humanity, he created US all for HIS purpose and through his unconditional love. I also believe that he intended for us to walk closely with him through life as he leads us strategically unveiling the layers of who he created us to be strong, bold, vicariously CONFIDENT women!!!! I believe we’re created with a need to constantly lean & depend on him through life until he completes the GOOD WORK he started in US Queens!!!!

My journey has been one that testifies of Christ relentless grace and mercy and his unfailing love for me, and It continues to be the center of all that I am today. He truly deserves all the glory and honor💜

In short, my testimony started out as me being a young hard-headed, stubborn, run-away, and dropout whom had three children by the age of 21; all while being a “preacher’s daughter.” ………..🤦🏿‍♀️😂💜( l can’t make this up though!)

Honestly, I had no clue as to what my purpose was AT ALL outside of me being a mother. Needless to say, that feeling of uncertainty always bothered/provoked me to find out because I believed that I was someone special even if I didn’t know exactly why!!! I just always knew there was more inside of me pass all the mess I made.

Nevertheless, just as a earthly father’s job is to help point their children in the right direction, Christ placed inside of me his parental nudging to find out who I was( A QUEEN👑) and to not stop until I did!!

Even though my story is still being perfected, eventually, I found my way into events that would propel me into life changing events. Today, his never-ending evolving plan for my life is still ever unfolding as I’m clay safely in the hands 🙌 of a true Potter.

Today, I am a strong mother, teacher, and business owner that choses to continue to hear the call of GOD’s Plans on my life and walk on purpose by walking on water to meet my DESTINY/ PURPOSE in faith!!!


You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

— 1 Peter 2:9